The bitter taste is based on the element of air. It helps remove toxins from the body, tones and strengthens the organs, and alleviates such external problems as rashes and skin ailments. Pitta types benefit most from bitter-tasting spices such as turmeric and aloe vera, and from vegetables such as lettuce. Bitter is also helpful in treating Kapha imbalances, but it is not useful for Vata. Elements: Air, Space Effect on Dosha: • Decreases Pitta, Kapha • Increases Vata Benefits: • Anti-inflammatory • Detoxifying Common Examples: • Broccoli, spinach, romaine, endive, escarole, eggplant, radishes, celery, sprouts, beets, turmeric, fenugreek, lemon rind, tonic water If taken in balanced amounts: • Leads to a desire to change and grow If taken in excess: • May create bitterness and frustration